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Christmas in Genesis (Part III)

Our lives are determined by what we believe. Our beliefs inform how we use our time, what decisions we make, and what our values will be. They also inform our understanding of who God is and what place He has in our lives. But have we ever stopped to consider whether those beliefs are true? Genesis 3 tells us that it didn’t take long for humanity to be deceived into believing false things about God. These lies have misled people for millennia and caused untold hardship and suffering. Christmas addresses those lies head on and reveals to us a God who is generous, just, and perfectly pure in His love. Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Genesis 3
Series: Advent

Christmas in Genesis (Part II)

Herman Bavinck once wrote, “The history of the human race begins with a wedding”. This is the focus of Genesis 2 and the climax of the creation narrative. What does this foundational chapter teach us about marriage, and how does it point us to the wonder and beauty of Christmas? Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Genesis 2
Series: Advent

Christmas in Genesis (Part I)

Although the Christmas story begins in the New Testament, its full significance is determined by the opening chapters of Scripture. Listen as Pastor Josh draws three lessons from Genesis 1 about the Word to help us understand and cherish the mystery and wonder of the Word who became flesh.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Genesis 1
Series: Advent

The Eternal Word

Who exactly was the child born in the manger that we celebrate at Christmas? The gospel of John tells us He is the Eternal One. In this study of eternity and time we are introduced to the identity of Christ.

Speaker: Pastor Tim Kerr
Passage: John 1
Series: Advent

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