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The End of Our Boasting

Following his majestic explanation of the gospel in Romans 3:21-26, the Apostle Paul now takes a moment to pause for some application before continuing further. Where does he start? He starts with boasting. “Boasting is the language of our fallen self-centredness”, wrote John Stott. It is the ultimate community killer. Listen as Pastor Josh shows us how the doctrine of justification by faith puts an end to our boasting.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:27-31
Series: Romans

How We Know that God is Both Just and Merciful

The Bible reveals to us that God is both just and merciful. The difficulty here is that the two appear to contradict one another. How can God be just and give people the judgment they deserve while also being merciful and not giving people the judgment they deserve? Listen as Pastor Josh shows us how both can be true because of the gospel.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:25-26
Series: Romans

Two Gardens, Two Trees

Jesus’ resurrection is the dawn of something brand new. It is the dawn of a new day. It turns out, the darkest day in history was about to give birth to the brightest day in history—and one that would infuse the darkness with hope. Listen as Pastor Tim walks us through these passages from the book of John.

Speaker: Pastor Tim Kerr
Passage: John 19:31-20:18
Series: Standalone

The Betrayal of Jesus

Betrayal. It’s one of the hardest, most painful experiences we can have. We wonder, “What good could ever come out of this?” In this Good Friday sermon, Pastor Josh reminds us that Judas’ betrayal of Jesus is a central part of the gospel narratives. It was the act that set Jesus’ arrest, trial, and eventual crucifixion into motion. Jesus knew that it was coming, and yet he didn’t intervene to stop it. Why? Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Matthew 26:14-16
Series: Good Friday

A Singing Community

What values should shape our times of singing together? How should we sing? What should we sing? We may think that decisions like these should be pragmatically driven (what works?), but they’re really supposed to be theologically driven (what’s true?). Listen as Pastor Josh teaches on the three dimensions of singing.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Ephesians 5:8-20
Series: Standalone

Bring Them to My Banquet!

Kindness is a beautiful thing. Some people say more of it would change the world. The Bible teaches that God’s kindness has already changed the world. But what is that kindness, and how are we to respond to it? Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Timon
Passage: Luke 15:15-24
Series: Eating with Jesus

Three Gospel Words

The gospel is more than just the good news of what God has done to save us. It’s also the good news of what God has done to justify us, redeem us, and propitiate his wrath against us. What do all these words mean, and why do they matter? Listen as Pastor Josh teaches on the immense significance of these three gospel words.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:23-25a
Series: Romans

Righteousness Revealed

Contemporary evangelical presentations of the gospel almost always center on God’s love. But as the Apostle Paul begins his first explanation of the gospel in the Book of Romans, he begins with God’s righteousness. What is God’s righteousness, why does it matter, and what difference does it make to our lives? Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:21-22
Series: Romans

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