King City Community Group
The Schomberg CG meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. Sign up here: Please contact Steve Kamenar to find out more.
The Schomberg CG meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. Sign up here: Please contact Steve Kamenar to find out more.
The Bradford Town Community Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. Sign up here: For more information, please contact Henry...
Come join us for an informal gathering of mom and kids!
The Alliston CG meets on the second Sunday and last Wednesday of every month. Wednesdays - Potluck & teaching, meet at 6pm Sundays - Fellowship,...
The Markham CG meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month. We will start with dinner at 6:30pm, followed by teaching at 7:30pm....
The Newmarket CG meets on the second and forth Wednesday of every month. Sign up here: Please contact Will Brumwell to find out more.
The Richmond Hill CG meets on the second and forth Wednesday of every month. Sign up here: Please contact Irving Mui to find out...
Join our membership class at the church called "Beginning the Journey". The purpose of this class is to give you a big picture view of...
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
This class is for all who are interested in getting baptised. For more information, please email Register details to come!