Join us for Good Friday Apr 15 — 7:00PM and Easter Sunday April 17 — 10:30AM
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Youth Group

If you are a kid/teen age 10-17 join us for a time of fellowship and fun! We meet every 2nd and 4th Fridays at the...

Sunday Gathering

Sovereign Grace Church 1466 5th Sideroad, Bradford, Ontario, Canada

We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.

Alliston Community Group

We meet every 2nd Sunday and last Wednesday of the month! Location varies. Please email for more information.

Women’s Fellowship Time

Sovereign Grace Church 1466 5th Sideroad, Bradford, Ontario, Canada

An informal gathering for women. Kids are welcome! We meet on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at the church. Please email for more information.

Prayer Meeting

Sovereign Grace Church 1466 5th Sideroad, Bradford, Ontario, Canada

Join us during this mid-week service to pray together. We meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month! Please email for more information.


We meet weekly in the church gym, newcomers are welcomed to join us at any point of the year! 7:00-7:50 (Ages 6-12) 8:00-8:50 (Teens +...

Sunday Gathering

Sovereign Grace Church 1466 5th Sideroad, Bradford, Ontario, Canada

We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.

Bradford (Town) Community Group

Henry and Yolande Vroom's Home

We meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month! Please email for more information.

Flourish (Women’s Ministry)

Sovereign Grace Church 1466 5th Sideroad, Bradford, Ontario, Canada

Come join us for the study of Psalm 119 as we learn to delight in God through His Word. This study will focus on learning...