Kerr Marriage Tag (B)
This TAG is currently full, but if you're interested in learning more, please email us at
This TAG is currently full, but if you're interested in learning more, please email us at
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
This TAG is currently full, but if you're interested in learning more, please email us at
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
This is an invite only mentoring group for men.
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
We gather each Sunday at 10:30am for singing, teaching and fellowship.
This TAG is currently full, but if you're interested in learning more, please email us at