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A New Relationship with God’s Law

By Romans, Sermons

Romans 7 is about the Christian’s relationship with God’s Law. While this is a complex topic, it begins with understanding and believing the fundamental truth that “you also have died to the law through the body of Christ”. Listen as Pastor Josh explains and draws out the implications of this new, gospel reality.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 7:1-6
Series: Romans

The Privilege of Missions

By Sermons, Standalone

Why should our church participate in the Lord’s work globally? There are a number of reasons; For the Glory of God, because Hell is real and people need to hear the Gospel, and because the love of God should compel us. But the church should also participate in global missions because it is a privilege to do so. Listen as Pastor Paul McDonald walks us through these verses.

Speaker: Pastor Paul McDonald
Passage: Luke 24:, Acts 1
Series: Standalone

The Pursuit of Righteous Authority (Part II)

By Sermons

Our culture is more interested than ever before in answering questions about what strong leadership looks like. The opportunity Christians have is to show people that authority – rightly used – builds up, protects the weak, and brings stability and joy to those under its charge. Without godly leadership, authority will only lead to abuse, oppression, and harm. Listen as Pastor Josh teaches on righteous and wicked authority from Proverbs 28-29.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Proverbs 28-29
Series: New Year

Christmas in Genesis (Part III)

By Advent, Sermons

Our lives are determined by what we believe. Our beliefs inform how we use our time, what decisions we make, and what our values will be. They also inform our understanding of who God is and what place He has in our lives. But have we ever stopped to consider whether those beliefs are true? Genesis 3 tells us that it didn’t take long for humanity to be deceived into believing false things about God. These lies have misled people for millennia and caused untold hardship and suffering. Christmas addresses those lies head on and reveals to us a God who is generous, just, and perfectly pure in His love. Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Genesis 3
Series: Advent

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