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Is There a Way Out?

By Connect to Christ, Sermons

There is something not right with our world. We don’t have to look very far to be confronted with brokenness, injustice, and sadness. How do we approach this problem? Is there a way out? Listen as Pastor Timon brings us through John 11:17–27 as we look for a hope for this broken world.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: John 11:17-27
Series: Connect to Christ

Joyful Evangelism

By Sermons, Standalone

What is the relevance of Christian joy to Christian witness? These two verses from this well-known and deeply loved Psalm on repentance show us that the most effective evangelism is done by the most joyful Christians. In this special outreach sermon, Pastor Josh shows us where this joy comes from and the difference it makes to our efforts to reach the lost.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Psalm 51:12-13
Series: Standalone

The Reign of Grace and its Relevance to Life

By Romans, Sermons

The last two sermons in our series on Romans have emphasized the importance of correctly understanding how both Adam and Christ function as representatives of those who are under their headship. But what are some of the ways in which these truths affect daily life? Listen as Pastor Josh devotes most of this sermon “building the bridge” between truth and life.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 5:18-21
Series: Romans

The Second Adam and the Reign of Grace

By Romans, Sermons

John Newton wrote “Amazing Grace” over 250 years ago. It remains a timeless hymn because of how beautifully it captures the grace of God revealed and expressed in the gospel. In this text, the Apostle Paul writes his own reasons for why we should be amazed by grace. It has to do with how Christ’s gift was so much greater than Adam’s trespass. Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 5:15-17
Series: Romans

The First Adam and the Reign of Death

By Romans, Sermons

Why does death exist in the world? Scientific explanations can only go so far. Only theology can provide an existentially satisfying answer as well as a life-giving solution. According to this passage in Romans, any understanding of death must begin with an understanding of our relationship to the first man, Adam. Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 5:12-14
Series: Romans

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