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The Christian’s Family Blessing

By Romans, Sermons

Knowing our family history is important in helping us understand where we come from and who we are. It shapes our sense of identity and purpose as we build off of what we inherited from our ancestors. But what about our spiritual family history? How is that relevant to our lives? Listen as Pastor Josh teaches on the family blessing that every Christian has inherited through faith.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 4:9-15
Series: Romans

What’s in Your (Righteousness) Wallet?

By Sermons

Each of us has an account with God. It is meant to be filled with righteousness, but it is filled with sin instead. In order to be right with God, then, we need righteousness to be credited to us, and we need sin to not be credited to us. Listen as Pastor Josh teaches on this double accounting and shows us where it is taught in the Old Testament, what difference it makes to our lives, and how it has been provided to us in the gospel.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 4:1-8
Series: Romans

The End of Our Boasting

By Romans, Sermons

Following his majestic explanation of the gospel in Romans 3:21-26, the Apostle Paul now takes a moment to pause for some application before continuing further. Where does he start? He starts with boasting. “Boasting is the language of our fallen self-centredness”, wrote John Stott. It is the ultimate community killer. Listen as Pastor Josh shows us how the doctrine of justification by faith puts an end to our boasting.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:27-31
Series: Romans

How We Know that God is Both Just and Merciful

By Romans, Sermons

The Bible reveals to us that God is both just and merciful. The difficulty here is that the two appear to contradict one another. How can God be just and give people the judgment they deserve while also being merciful and not giving people the judgment they deserve? Listen as Pastor Josh shows us how both can be true because of the gospel.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:25-26
Series: Romans

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