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Righteousness Revealed

By Romans, Sermons

Contemporary evangelical presentations of the gospel almost always center on God’s love. But as the Apostle Paul begins his first explanation of the gospel in the Book of Romans, he begins with God’s righteousness. What is God’s righteousness, why does it matter, and what difference does it make to our lives? Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:21-22
Series: Romans

God’s Courtroom

By Romans, Sermons

What awaits us when we die? Philosophers speculate. Hedonists don’t care. Christian singers can only imagine. Thankfully, Scripture doesn’t leave us to our imagination and reveals that it’s not a fluffy cloud, a train station, or even paradise. It’s a courtroom. God is the judge, His Law is the standard, and we are on trial. How will the scene unfold? Listen as Pastor Josh teaches us what these verses reveal about God’s courtroom.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:19-20
Series: Romans

Symptoms of the Sinful Heart

By Romans, Sermons

In this text describing the depravity of our sinful nature, it is revealing that the Apostle Paul fixates on sins involving words. That is because it is our words that reveal the true state of our hearts (Luke 6:45). Listen as Pastor Josh shows us how the gospel can give us new hearts that overflow into new and life-giving words.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:13-18
Series: Romans

Will You Feast With Me?

By Eating with Jesus, Sermons

Are our meals merely occasions to refuel, or can they be opportunities for the gospel to be revealed? Come listen as Pastor Timon shows us from Luke 5:27-32 how Jesus reveals His love for sinners in the context of a meal with them.

Speaker: Pastor Timon
Passage: Luke 5:27–32
Series: Eating with Jesus

The Human Condition

By Romans, Sermons

What does it mean to be human? This is the most pressing and divisive question of our day. Does it mean being true to ourselves? Does it mean being free from systemic oppression? Does it mean nothing more than being advanced organisms? The Bible’s answer is far more relatable and satisfying than any of those provided by our culture. But in order to understand it, we need to take a deep look at the doctrine of sin. Listen as Pastor Josh explains what these verses teach us about our fallen human condition.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:9-12
Series: Romans

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