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The First Adam and the Reign of Death

Why does death exist in the world? Scientific explanations can only go so far. Only theology can provide an existentially satisfying answer as well as a life-giving solution. According to this passage in Romans, any understanding of death must begin with an understanding of our relationship to the first man, Adam. Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 5:12-14
Series: Romans

The Joy of Salvation

John Stott once wrote that “the major hallmark of justified believers is joy, especially joy in God himself.” What are some of the gospel realities that create and cultivate this joy? What are some practical ways that we can remind ourselves of these realities and introduce them to those around us? Listen as Pastor Josh explains these verses and applies them to our lives for the sake of our joy in God.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 5:9-11
Series: Romans

Why Generosity Matters

Jesus spoke more about money than any other single issue in the Gospels, because how we handle money reveals a person’s true character. Listen as Pastor Josh teaches about how we can become generous, joyful and faith-filled givers.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Series: Standalone

Receiving God’s Love

How do we know that God loves us? These days, the emphasis lies on God’s nearness, or God’s protection, or God’s care. But the biblical emphasis lies on the cross. The cross is both the fullest manifestation of God’s wrath against sin and the most beautiful expression of God’s love for sinners. Listen as Pastor Josh explains how contemplating the cross is meant to lead to a deeper experience of God’s love.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 5:6-8
Series: Romans

How Christians Suffer

Christians will suffer just like anyone else in this world. We get sick. We grieve broken relationships. We ultimately die. What should be distinct about Christians is not whether we suffer. It should be how we suffer. Listen as Pastor Josh explains how it can be that Christians suffer with joy, hope, and love.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 5:3-5
Series: Romans

Blessed Assurance

Fanny Crosby’s classic hymn “Blessed Assurance” expresses the confidence that Christians are meant to have in the gospel benefits that Christ has won for us. It was her attempt to capture the assurance that God intends to communicate to us in verses like Romans 5:1-2. Listen as Pastor Josh unfolds the blessed assurances in this wonderful text.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 5:1-2
Series: Romans

Three Lessons About Faith

What are the essential elements of faith? The Reformers identified three: knowledge, belief, and trust. But what does that look like in day-to-day life? In this text, the Apostle Paul gives us a powerful illustration of faith in the life of Abraham and calls us to imitate his faith as we trust God’s promise of salvation. Listen as Pastor Josh explains.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 4:18-25
Series: Romans

The Christian’s Guaranteed Inheritance

Many young Canadians are placing their financial hopes in receiving a family inheritance one day. But when the amount is unknown, the assets could be illiquid, and the estate could be drained because of health care costs, how certain is that hope? In this sermon, Pastor Josh will teach us that the Christian has a supremely better hope that is not uncertain. It is guaranteed, and it is glorious.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 4:16-17
Series: Romans

The Christian’s Family Blessing

Knowing our family history is important in helping us understand where we come from and who we are. It shapes our sense of identity and purpose as we build off of what we inherited from our ancestors. But what about our spiritual family history? How is that relevant to our lives? Listen as Pastor Josh teaches on the family blessing that every Christian has inherited through faith.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 4:9-15
Series: Romans

The End of Our Boasting

Following his majestic explanation of the gospel in Romans 3:21-26, the Apostle Paul now takes a moment to pause for some application before continuing further. Where does he start? He starts with boasting. “Boasting is the language of our fallen self-centredness”, wrote John Stott. It is the ultimate community killer. Listen as Pastor Josh shows us how the doctrine of justification by faith puts an end to our boasting.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Romans 3:27-31
Series: Romans

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