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A Reason to Rescue

Who wants to take a hard look at hell? No one. And yet, Jesus spoke more consistently about the horrors of hell than any other person in the New Testament. Why did he do that? What does he want us to know about hell? And how is this supposed to change the way we live? Listen as our guest preacher, Pastor Jim Donohue, pastors us through these questions with both passion and gentleness.

Speaker: Pastor Jim Donohue
Passage: Luke 16:19-31
Series: Standalone

Where Love Comes From

How do we grow in love for God and others? This story about a sinful woman forgiven by Jesus shows us that it comes from knowing how much God has forgiven us in Christ. Jesus said, “He who is forgiven little, loves little” (v. 47). The more we know of Christ’s forgiveness, the more we will love him. But the only way we can know of Christ’s forgiveness is to know more of our sin. Listen as Pastor Josh explains where love comes from.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Luke 7:36-50
Series: Standalone Sermon

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