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The Pursuit of Righteous Authority (Part II)

Our culture is more interested than ever before in answering questions about what strong leadership looks like. The opportunity Christians have is to show people that authority – rightly used – builds up, protects the weak, and brings stability and joy to those under its charge. Without godly leadership, authority will only lead to abuse, oppression, and harm. Listen as Pastor Josh teaches on righteous and wicked authority from Proverbs 28-29.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Proverbs 28-29
Series: New Year

The Pursuit of Righteous Authority (Part I)

What does the Bible say about authority? In a culture that emphasizes authority as an evil to be resisted, the Bible says that it is a gift to be celebrated. It is embedded into every part of the fabric of creation for the glory of God and the flourishing of humanity. At the same time, the Bible also recognizes that authority can be abused and cause much harm to many. Listen as Pastor Josh teaches on what Proverbs says about some of the differences between good and bad authority.

Speaker: Pastor Josh Tong
Passage: Proverbs 28-29
Series: New Year

The Inclinations of our Heart are a Clue to Our Final Destiny

The book of Proverbs reveals the deep inner connections of God’s law and will to our daily life. Listen as Pastor Tim explains how Proverbs reveals a persons future destiny—where they will spend eternity—is revealed in advance by paying attention to their fears, pleasures, and speech. How the inclinations of our hearts, are a clue to our final destiny.

Speaker: Pastor Tim Kerr
Passage: Proverbs 10:23-32
Series: Standalone Sermon

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